9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (2024)

9 Financial Mathematics

9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (1)

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section it is expected that you will be able to:

  • Determine the compound amount (future value) of an investment or loan
  • Determine the interest component of an investment or loan that involves compound interest
  • Determine the present value of a compound amount

We have seen that with simple interest an investment will earn interest on the original amount. For an investment of $100 earning 10% simple interest, the interest earned after one year will be $10 since 10% of $100 = $10. An investment will grow more quickly if the interest is calculated more often than once a year. Interest will not only be calculated on the principal amount but also on the previously earned interest. This process is referred to compounding.

Figure 1 illustrates the process of compounding or earning interest on interest. Consider an investment of $100 that earns 10%/year with interest being compounded semiannually. With semiannual compounding the interest on the investment will be calculated twice during the year.

9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (2)

Using the simple interest formula I = Prt, at the end of six months (half a year) interest will be calculated as follows:

I = $100 x 10% x 1/2 year = $5.

Adding this $5 to the principal of $100 you will have $105 at the end of the first six months. At the end of the year interest will be calculated again on the $105:

I = $105 x 10% x 1/2 year = $5.25.

Adding this $5.25 to $105 you will have $110.25 at the end of the year. In this case you would be earning interest not only on the original principal of $100, but also on the previously earned interest of $5. When interest is earned on interest, we say the interest is compounded.The total amount of principal and accumulated interest at the end of a loan or investment is called the compound amount.

Consider a $100 investment that earns 10%/year compounded annually. The table in Figure 2 shows how the value of the $100 investment will growover a 6-year period.

YearAmount at the beginning of the yearEarned InterestYear End Total

Fig. 2

At the beginning of Year 1, $100 is invested, so the interest earned in the first year will be:

I = Prt = $100 × 0.10 × 1 = $10. This is added to the original $100 to result in $110 at the end of Year 1.

At the beginning of Year 2 the process will repeat but the principal P is now $110.

I = Prt = $110 × 0.10 ×1 = $11 in interest so at the end of Year 2 there will be:

$110 + $11 = $121 in the account.

Notice that the compound amount at the end of the six year period is $177.16. The investment has earned an accumulated $77.16 in interest. If the investment had earned simple interest as opposed to compound interest it would have only earned:

I = Prt = 100 × 0.10 × 6 = $60 in interest.

The above method of calculating the compound amount is very time consuming. Fortunately, there is a mathematical formula that we can use when working with compound interest.

Compound Interest Formula

The compound interest formula is:

9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (3)where,A = total compound amount(includes principal and interest)
P = principal
r = annual interest rate
n = number of times in one year that interest is calculated
t = time (in years)

Since A includes both the principal and interest, to find the interest amount I calculate:
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (4)


Find the compound amount and the interest earned on $100 compounded annually at 10% for 6 years.


P = $100

r = 10% = 0.1

n = 1 (since the interest is calculated once a year)

t = 6 years

9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (5)

9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (6)

Replace the variables with their values
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (7)9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (8) and 9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (9)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (10)Raise 9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (11)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (12)

The interest earned is 9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (13) $77.16

The compound amount is $177.16


Kyle won $10,000 in a lottery and deposited the full amount in a 3 year investment at 3.8% compounded annually. Find the compound amount and the interest earned over the three years.

Show answer

Compound Amount = $11,183.87; Interest = $1183.87

Interest can be compounded using a variety of compounding periods. The compounding period is the span of time between when interest is calculated and when it will be calculated again. If there is one month between every interest calculation then the compounding period is monthly. With monthly compounding there will be 12 compounding period in one year since there are twelve months in a year . The variable n in the compound interest formula reflects the number of times in one year that interest is calculated.

Compounding Periods

If interest is compounded:

annually (once per year) ⇒ n = 1

semi-annually (twice a year) ⇒ n = 2

quarterly (four times per year) ⇒ n = 4

monthly (twelve times per year) ⇒ n = 12

weekly (fifty-two times per year) ⇒ n = 52

daily (three hundred sixty-five times per year) ⇒ n = 365


Find the compound amount and the interest earned on $500 compounded semiannually at 6% for 3 years.


9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (14)9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (15)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (16)9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (17)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (18) (since the interest is calculated semiannually or 2 times a year)9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (19)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (20)9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (21)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (22)

The compound amount is $597.03and the interest earned is $597.03 – $500 = $97.03


Kam won $10,000 in a lottery and deposited the full amount in a 3 year investment at 3.8% compounded monthly. Find the compound amount and the interest earned over the three years.

Show answer

Compound Amount = $11,205.50; Interest = $1205.50

The greater the number of compounding periods in a year, the greater the total interest earned will be.


Find the compound amount and the interest earned on $500 compounded daily at 6% for 3 years.


9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (23)9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (24)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (25)9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (26)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (27) (since the interest is calculated daily)9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (28)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (29)9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (30)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (31)

The compound amount is $598.60and the interest earned is $598.60 – $500 = $98.60


Kam won $10,000 in a lottery and deposited the full amount in a 3 year investment at 3.8% compounded daily. Find the compound amount and the interest earned over the three years.

Show answer

Compound Amount = $11,207.45; Interest = $1207.45

Loan recipients must repay the principal amount borrowerd plus any interest charged. They will pay a greater price (in terms of total interest) when interest is compounded.


Pat borrows $3200 an interest rate of 6.5% compounded semiannually. The original loan amount plus interest must be paid back in 3 years. Calculate the total amount that must be paid back in three years and determine the interest amount.


9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (32)9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (33)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (34)9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (35)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (36) (since the interest is calculated semiannually or 2 times a year)9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (37)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (38)9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (39)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (40)

The compound amount is $3876.95 and the interest owing is $3876.95 – $3200 = $676.95


Determine the compound interest on a 2 year loan of $5000 at an interest rate of 4.8% compounded quarterly.

Show answer

Compound Amount = $5500.65; Interest = $500.65


Pat borrows $3200 an interest rate of 6.5% compounded monthly. The original loan amount plus interest must be paid back in 3 years. Calculate the total amount that must be paid back in three years and determine the interest amount.


9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (41)9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (42)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (43)9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (44)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (45) (since the interest is calculated monthly or 12 times a year)9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (46)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (47)9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (48)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (49)

The compound amount is $3886.95 and the interest owing is $3886.95 – $3200 = $686.95


Determine the compound interest on a 2 year loan of $5000 at an interest rate of 4.8% compounded daily.

Show answer

Compound Amount = $5503.76; Interest = $503.76

We might want to know how much money we should invest now in order to make a purchase in the future. Say for example that you want to know how much principal you needed to invest now in order to have $2000 in two years. The amount you need to invest now is called the present value of $2000. It is the amount of money that if invested now will accumulate to $2000 in two years. Assuming that your investment earns interest, the amount required now will be less than the future amount. Assuming annual compounding at an interest rate of 5% you will need to invest $1814.06 now to have $2000 in two years. Refer to Figure 3 below.

9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (50)

In Figure 3 we can see that at the beginning of the year $1814.06 is invested.

At the end of the first year the interest earned on $1814.06 is 5% × 1814.06 = $90.70.

At the end of the first year there will be $1904.76 in the account. In the second year the interest earned on $1904.76 is $1904.76 × 0.05 = $95.24.

At th eend of the second year there will be $2000.00 in the account. The $2000 that is needed in two years is said to have a present value of $1814.06.

The present value can be calculated by solving the compound interest formula for P.

Formula for Present Value

The present value formula is:

9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (51)

whereP = present value
A = desired future amount
r = interest rate (as a decimal fraction)
n = number of times interest is calculated in one year
t = times (in years)


A house painting company is planning to expand its operations in three years time. It will require $24,000 in order to expand. How much must it invest now, at 4.6% interest compounded annually?


P = ?

A = $24000

r = 4.6% = 0.046

n = 1

9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (52)
t = 3 years9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (53)Replace the variables with their values
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (54)Add 9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (55)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (56)Raise 9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (57)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (58)

The present value is $20,970.86so the company must invest that amount now to have $24,000 in three years.


Mae is planning on buying a vehicle when she turns 18 in five years. How much money must she invest now in an account earning 7% interest, compounded annually, in order to afford a used vehicle at a cost of $5000?

Show answer

An investment of $3564.93 is required


Pat and her friends are planning a reunion in five years. She estimates that the cost of the trip plus expenses will be approximately $2000. How much should she invest right now in order to have $2000 five years from now, if she knows her money will earn 6% compounded quarterly?


P = ?

A = $2000

r = 6% = 0.06

n = 4

9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (59)
t = 5 years9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (60)Replace the variables with their values
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (61)Multiply 9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (62)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (63)Divide 9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (64)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (65)Add 9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (66)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (67)Raise 9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (68)
9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (69)

The present value is $1484.94

In other words, if Pat invested $1484.94 now at 6% compounded quarterly, then in 5 years the compound amount would be $2000.


You are planning on attending college in four years and your parents plan to help out with $10,000 in assistance. How much money must they invest now in an account earning 5.6% compounded monthly if they plan to have $10000 in the account in four years?

Show answer


  • to determine the compound amount (A) of an investment or loan:
    • 9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (70)
  • to determine the interest component (I) of a principal or original amount (P) that has grown to a compound amount (A):
    • Interest = Compound Amount – Principal Amount I = A – P
  • to determine the present value P of a compound amount the formula is:
    • 9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (71)
  • Compounding Periods
    • annually (once per year) ⇒ n = 1
    • semi-annually (twice a year) ⇒ n = 2
    • quarterly (four times per year) ⇒ n = 4
    • monthly (twelve times per year) ⇒ n = 12
    • weekly (fifty-two times per year) ⇒ n = 52
    • daily (three hundred sixty-five times per year) ⇒ n = 365

compound amount

is the total amount of principal and accumulated interest at the end of a loan or investment period.

compound interest

is when the interest on a loan or deposit is calculated based on both the initial principal and any accumulated interest from previous periods.

compounding period

is the span of time between when interest is calculated and when it will be calculated again.

present value

is the current value of a sum of money that has been invested and has grown to a larger compound amount.

  1. Determine the value of n in each of the following:
    1. weekly, then n = ___________
    2. semi-annually, then n = ________
    3. quarterly, then n = _______
    4. daily, then n = _______
  2. Ada invested $1000 at 5% compounded annually.
    1. Complete the table below to determine the compound amount of Ada’s investment at the end of 5 years.
      YearPrincipal AmountEarned InterestYear End Total
    2. Use the compound interest formula to determine the compound amount Ada will earn in 5 years.
  3. Find the compound amount and the earned interest when $1000 is invested under the following conditions:
    1. $1000 compounded annually at 9% for 5 years.
    2. $1000 compounded semi-annually at 9% for 5 years.
    3. $1000 compounded quarterly at 9% for 5 years.
    4. $1000 compounded monthly at 9% for 5 years.
    5. $1000 compounded daily at 9% for 5 years.
  4. When Penny was born her parents put $5000 in a special fund paying 4.4% compounded quarterly.
    1. How much will the fund be worth when Penny turns 10 years old?
    2. Penny’s parents take the money from the fund when Penny turns 10 and reinvest it at 7.2% componded monthly. How much will the investment be worth when Penny turns 18 years old?
  5. Anne’s parents invested $8400 at 5% with daily compounding. How much money will they have when Anne starts college in 5 years? How much interest did their investment accumulate over the 5 years?
  6. Theresa is considering two options for investing $10 000 : a savings account offering 8% simple interest or a savings certificate that earns 7.75% compounded monthly.
    1. How much will the savings account earn (in interest) in one year?
    2. How much interest will the savings certificate earn after one year?
    3. Which option yields more interest and by how much?
  7. You have $2500 to invest, compounded monthly, over a period of 4 years. Calculate the compound amount and the interest earned when interest rates are as follows:
    1. 3%
    2. 6%
    3. 9%
    4. Notice that the interest rate of 9% is triple that of the 3% rate. How many times higher is the total interest earned at 9% than at the 3% rate?
  8. L. Shark says that he will lend you the $5000 you need but he wants 50% compounded daily on the loan. (Note that time t = number of days/365)
    How much will you owe L. Shark if you pay the loan back in:
    1. 30 days
    2. 60 days
    3. 90 days
    4. How much more interest will you owe if you wait 90 days to pay back the loan rather than paying it back in 30 days? Does it make sense to pay off a loan quickly?
  9. For each of the following pairs of investment options, determine which option results in a higher compound amount.
    1. Option A: $8000 invested for 3 years at 2.6% compounded quarterlyOption B: $8000 invested for 2 years at 6.8% compounded monthly
    2. Option A: $20,000 invested for 7 years at 8.6% compounded annuallyOption B: $20,000 invested for 8 years at 7.4% compounded semiannually
  10. Find the present value for each of the following:
    1. $1800 due in 5 years at 4.6% compounded semi-annually.
    2. $2500 due in 2 years at 3.6% compounded monthly.
    3. $4000 due in 10 years at 8.4% compounded yearly.
    4. $650 due in one and one-half years at 4% compounded quarterly.
    5. $1000 due in 6 months at 2.8% compounded monthly.
  11. In 6 years, Sylvia’s son will be going to college. Sylvia estimates that her son will need about $28000 to get started in the first year of his education. How much should she invest now if she can earn 7% compounded semi-annually?
  12. The Smiths inherited $20,000. They would like to spend some of the money now, but still have $20,000 ten years from now when they retire. They have found an investment that will earn them 8.4% compounded annually over this time.a. How much of the $20,000 should they invest now to guarantee that they will have $20,000 when they retire in 10 years?b. How much of the $20,000 can they spend now?
  13. A certain savings certificate will pay the owner $5000 in two years. If the interest rate is 3.8% compounded weekly, how much will be invested now to accumulate to $5000 in two years?
    1. 52
    2. 2
    3. 4
    4. 265
    1. YearPrincipal AmountEarned InterestYear End Total
    1. $1276.28
    1. $1538.62; $538.62
    2. $1552.97; $552.97
    3. $1560.51; $560.51
    4. $1565.68; $565.68
    5. $1568.23; $568.23
    1. $7744.91
    2. $13,753.79
  1. Compound Amount = $10, 785.63 Interest = $2385.63
    1. $800
    2. $803.13
    3. savings certificate pays $3.13 more interest
    1. Compound Amount = $2818.32 so interest = $318.32
    2. Compound Amount = $3176.22 so interest = $676.22
    3. Compound Amount = $3578.51 so interest = $1078.51
    4. $1078.51/$318.32 = 3.4 times as great
    1. $5209.61
    2. $5428.00
    3. $5655.55
    4. $445.96 so yes
    1. Option A $8646.80; Option B $9161.94 so Option B is better
    2. Option A $35,631.88; Option B $35,767.62 so Option B is better
    1. $1433.89
    2. $2326.58
    3. 1785.53
    4. $612.33
    5. $986.11
  2. $18,529.93
  3. invest $8927.65; spend $11072.35
  4. $4634.21

Some of the content for this chapter is from “Unit 3: Compound interest” and “Unit 4: Variations on compound interest – present value” in Financial Mathematics by Paul Grinder, Velma McKay, Kim Moshenko, and Ada Sarsiat, which is under aCC BY 4.0 Licence.. Adapted by Kim Moshenko. See the Copyright page for more information.

9.2 Compound Interest – Business/Technical Mathematics (2024)


What will the final amount be in 4 years if $8000 is invested at 9.2% compounded monthly? ›

The final amount after 4 years of an $8,000 investment at 9.2% interest compounded monthly is $11,487.09. To have $10,000 in 6 years at a 10.3% interest rate compounded quarterly, one should invest $4,927.40 initially. The final amount after 4 years is $11,487.09.

How do you calculate compound interest in business math? ›

The compound interest is found using the formula: CI = P( 1 + r/n)nt - P. In this formula,
  1. P( 1 + r/n)nt represents the compounded amount.
  2. the initial investment P should be subtracted from the compounded amount to get the compound interest.

How do you solve compound interest questions easily? ›

A = P (1+ r/n)nt
  1. A = Total Amount.
  2. P = Initial Principal.
  3. r = Rate of interest on which loan or deposit is disbursed.
  4. n = number of times the interest is compounded in a year. It can be monthly, half-yearly, quarterly, or yearly.
  5. t = time in years.
Nov 7, 2023

What is the formula for finding the answer to a compound interest problem? ›

This is interest that is calculated on both the principal and accrued interest at scheduled intervals. The formula we use to find compound interest is A = P(1 + r/n)^nt. In this formula, A stands for the total amount that accumulates. P is the original principal; that's the money we start with.

How long will it take for $4000 to grow $9000 if invested at 7% compounded monthly? ›

- At 7% compounded monthly, it will take approximately 11.6 years for $4,000 to grow to $9,000. - At 6% compounded quarterly, it will take approximately 13.6 years for $4,000 to grow to $9,000.

How much is $1000 worth at the end of 2 years if the interest rate of 6% is compounded daily? ›

Basic compound interest

For other compounding frequencies (such as monthly, weekly, or daily), prospective depositors should refer to the formula below. Hence, if a two-year savings account containing $1,000 pays a 6% interest rate compounded daily, it will grow to $1,127.49 at the end of two years.

What is the best way to calculate compound interest? ›

Compound interest is calculated by multiplying the initial principal amount by one plus the annual interest rate raised to the number of compound periods minus one. The total initial principal or amount of the loan is then subtracted from the resulting value. Katie Kerpel {Copyright} Investopedia, 2019.

What is the formula for compound interest with example? ›

The formula for compound interest is A=P(1+rn)nt, where A represents the final balance after the interest has been calculated for the time, t, in years, on a principal amount, P, at an annual interest rate, r. The number of times in the year that the interest is compounded is n.

What is the formula for monthly compound interest? ›

What Is r In the Monthly Compound Interest Formula? In the monthly compound interest formula, CI = P(1 + (r/12) )12t - P, r refers to the interest rate on the principal.

What is the secret formula for compound interest? ›

Compound Interest Formula Derivation

The simple interest on principle at the end of 1st time period = P*r/100. Total amount after 1st time period = P+P*r/100 = P(1+r/100). Total amount becomes the new principle. Total amount after 2nd time period = P(1+r/100)x(r/100) + P(1+r/100) + P(1+r/100)x(r/100) = P(1+r/100)2.

What is the quick method for compound interest? ›

The formula for calculating compound interest is P = C (1 + r/n)nt – where 'C' is the initial deposit, 'r' is the interest rate, 'n' is how frequently interest is paid, 't' is how many years the money is invested and 'P' is the final value of your savings.

How do you calculate compound interest in math? ›

Those calculations are done one step at a time: Calculate the Interest (= "Loan at Start" × Interest Rate) Add the Interest to the "Loan at Start" to get the "Loan at End" of the year.

How to calculate simple and compound interest? ›

Simple interest is calculated by multiplying the loan principal by the interest rate and then by the term of a loan. Compound interest multiplies savings or debt at an accelerated rate. Compound interest is interest calculated on both the initial principal and all of the previously accumulated interest.

What is the formula for daily compound interest? ›

How is daily compound interest calculated? Daily compound interest is calculated using the formula: A = P (1 + r / n)nt, where P is the principal amount, r is the annual interest rate, n is the number of compounding periods per year (365 for daily), and t is the time the money is invested, in years.

What will be the amount and compound interest on 8000 for one year at 9% per annum compounded half yearly? ›

Principal P = Rs 8000Rate of interest = 9% per annum or 9/2 % per half year Number of years = 1 yearThere will be 2 half years in 1 year. A = p 1 + R/100n= Rs [800 1 + 9/2002]= Rs [8000 209/2002] = Rs 8000 x 209/200 x 209/200 = Rs 8736.20C.I. = A − P = Rs 8736.20 − Rs 8000 = Rs 736.20.

What amount will $4900 invested for 8 years at 9 percent compounded annually accumulate? ›

Final answer:

The accumulated amount after 8 years of investing $4,900 at an annual interest rate of 9% compounded annually will be approximately $8,932.47.

How much will $8000 grow to in five years assuming an interest rate of 8% compounded quarterly? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

$8,000 will grow to $10,989 in five years with a compounded quarterly interest rate of 8%.

What is the compound interest on 8000 at 10% pa for 2 years? ›

Compound interest for two years = Rs 9680 — Rs 8000 = Rs 1680.

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