OStim NG Troubleshooting Guide - Frequent Issues (2024)

OStim NG Troubleshooting Guide - Frequent Issues

Illegitimate copy of Skyrim: Special Edition
First of all, some OStim NG requirements will not work for illegitimate copies of Skyrim: Special Edition.
Support will not be provided for illegitimate copies of the game, please do not waste our time asking for help.

When I start a scene, the characters are just standing idle and doing nothing.
Verify if you have made one of the following mistakes:

1)You have the wrong versions of the dependencies for your Skyrim: Special Edition version.
Solution:Skyrim: Special Edition version 1.5.97 is known as SE and Skyrim: Special Edition version 1.6.x is known as AE.
Even if you only bought "Skyrim: Special Edition", the latest version of it (1.6.x) is known as AE.
Download and install the compatible versions of the dependencies according to the installation guide.

2)Incompatible OSA version or you are using OSex.
Solution:The compatible OSA version is "OSA for OStim 1.3":https://github.com/VersuchDrei/OSA-SE/releases.
OSex is not compatible with OStim NG, use Open Animations Romance and Erotica.

3)You are overwriting Open Animations Romance and Erotica with something that is breaking it, such as the additional animation packs.
Solution: make sure the load order is according to theOpenSex Addon Hubmod description.

4)PapyrusUtil is being overwritten.
Solution:Make sure PapyrusUtil wins all conflicts (if there is any).
ForMO2, make sure you are sorting your mod list on the left side of the screen by Priority. Move PapyrusUtil to a greater priority.
ForVortex, go to the Manage Rules screen, search for PapyrusUtil and select "After All".

5)You have installed OStim NG on a current save in which you previously installed an incompatible version of OSA or OSex.
Solution:Check if it works properly on a new game. If it does, clean your current save (instructions at the bottom of this article).

The MCM menu is empty.
There is no MCM menu for OStim.

First of all, make sure you have the correct versions of all the dependencies for your Skyrim: Special Edition versionaccording to theinstallation guide.

If you have Campfire or Simply Knock installed, make sure it is not overwriting PapyrusUtil.
Only after you have confirmed this, if it still doesn't work, try these solutions:

1)Move OStim.espto the bottom of your plugin load order;
2) Wait 3 minutes in game. Install MCM Kicker for possibly speeding this process up. Also getPapyrus Tweaks NGand enable the Speed Up Native Calls tweak for faster script performance (experimental, do it at your own risk!).
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/777793) Start a new game;
4) Reload the save, save, close and reopen the game;
5) Reinstall OStim NG;
6) Install the previous version of OStim NG, save, and install the latest one on top of it.

"OStim not ready or installation failed".
This error happens when...
1)You have the wrong version of a dependency or it is being overwritten. Make sure your requirements are correct according to theinstallation guide.
2) Check if the folderC:\Users\(username)\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Editionis set to read-only. Disable read-only if it is.
3) You have a lot of script lag andOStim NGis taking forever to initialize. See if it works on a new game and, if it does, clean your existing save.Also getPapyrus Tweaks NGand enable the Speed Up Native Calls tweak for faster script performance (experimental, do it at your own risk!).
4) On the title menu, open the console and type "coc qasmoke". This will load you into an area with less script load and may help OStim NG initialize properly.
5) See if you have a file \Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\JCUser\ODatabse.json. If you do, delete it, so that OStim NG will generate a new one when you restart the game.
You may get this issue when SexLab is installed; try disabling it.
7)Removing all archives ofRaceMenuand reinstalling it has resolved this issue for some users.

Characters are redressing in the middle of the scene.
You have installed3BAorBHUNPbody.
By default, these mods bind the same keys as OSA. The solution is to rebind the hotkeys in the 3BA/BHUNP MCM; you may bind them to Esc in order to unassign them.

Facial expressions are static or not working.
Confirm that MFG fix is the correct version for your Skyrim: Special Edition version.
Make sure that MFG fix is not being overwritten.
If it's exclusive to the player try opening and closing RaceMenu.
Try on a new game. If it works properly there, clean your existing save.

When an OStim scene ends, I cannot control my character, the keyboard doesn't work, and/or the camera is not working properly.
Most likely you are using an incompatible version ofConsoleUtilSSE.
The only version of ConsoleUtilSSE that works with OStim NG is ConsoleUtilSSE NG maintained by VersuchDrei.
Do not use other versions of ConsoleUtilSSE, they are incompatible and causes issues.
Ryan/Fudgyduff is no longer providing the source code for his ConsoleUtilSSE while also making changes that break OStim NG.
Do not support closed source modding.

OStim seems to work, the scenes start, but there are no navigation options.
Do you have Immersive HUD, SkyHUD, or Survival Control Panel? Mods that hide HUD elements will also hide the OSA UI. Press the "Show HUD" hotkey of your mod in question, or make sure it otherwise does not disable "HUD Indicators".

The game crashes (CTD) when starting a scene.
Make sure Precision and RaceMenu are updated for your Skyrim: Special Edition version.
If you are using NPC Names Distributor remove it. For whatever reason it causes OStim to crash.
If you are using CoMAP together with Compass Navigation Overhaul install the temporary fix from the CoMAP modpage.
If you are using OEquip stop using it, it is outdated and pointless, as there are no mods that require it.

Scenes do not work when lying down or using a bed
You may be overwritingOpen Animations Romance and Eroticawith something that is breaking it, such as the additional animation packs.
Solution:make sure the load order is according to theOpenSex Addon Hubmod description.

Characters are misaligned.
How to fix misalignment?
1) RaceMenu scaling: OStim NG can account for changes in height scale through RaceMenu, but not the scaling of individual nodes. If you have changed the scale of individual nodes, undo those changes.
2) FK Diverse Racial Skeletons: This mod has been reported to cause misalignments. If you have it installed, try disabling it.
3) Mu Joint Fix: If you have Mu Joint Fix, make sure you have version 2.0.0 or greater. Versions earlier than 2.0.0 causes misalignment in OStim.
4) OAlign: Remove OAlign if you use it. Recent OStim NG features are not compatible with it. Even if you disable OStim NG penis angle and scaling, OAlign is a mod only useful for taking screenshots; there are reports of memory leak issues so it's not recommended for normal gameplay.

Inviting a third actor doesn't work.
Perform a clean save procedure as described at the bottom of the page.

A DLL plugin has failed to load correctly.
OSA.dll: disabled, only compatible with versions earlier than 1.6.629

You still have an old version of OStim (5.x) installed. Remove it and only use the latest OStim NG.

ERROR(1166): BUG FOUND!! Report to Nemesis' author immediately
Variable Name: OStimSpeed

Update your OStim, your version is too old for the animation packs you are using.

Reminder: Incompatible Mods

The following mods areincompatiblewith OStim NG:

OStim NG Troubleshooting Guide - Frequent Issues (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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