[RELEASE] Morrowind Rebirth 4.0 news (2024)

Welcome to the 40.th update for Morrowind Rebirth! This is by far the largest update to Rebirth, and includes a plethora of changes like expanded and reworked areas, new creatures, new starting spells, bugfixes and MORE! I really hope you enjoy 4.0!

[RELEASE] Morrowind Rebirth 4.0 news (1)

Welcome to the 40.th update for Morrowind Rebirth! This is by far the largest update to Rebirth, and includes a plethora of changes like expanded and reworked areas, new creatures, new starting spells, bugfixes and MORE! I really hope you enjoy 4.0!

Vivec Entrance has been reworked from the ground up.

Morrowind Rebirth - Main Plugin

Vanilla Fixes
* Included a fix for extravagant_robe_01_b, which had a gap in the back of the robe.
* Delyna Mandas will no longer carry two glass stormblades.
* Ranes Ienith will no longer carry two glass jinkblades.
* Fixed Imperial Tavern window UV issue

Bounty Hunters will now hunt you if you have a high enough bounty.

Morrowind Rebirth Fixes
* Various fixes and optimizations for the following meshes: 'flora_heather_01', 'furn_de_ex_stool_02', 'furn_de_ex_table_02', 'flora_tree_03' 'flora_tree_wg_05', 'flora_bc_tree_07' and 'flora_bc_tree_08'.
* Removed sneak script, which made guards follow you while sneaking, as it didn't work as intended and created several AI issues.
* Moved an NPC [Zalit Sadri] from a road in the Molag Amur region to ensure better compatibility with LGNPC Pax Redoran.
* Fixed an issue where the door to Dagoth Ur, Outer Facility transported you to Abaelun Mine
* Removed misplaced lock-script on Dren Plantation, Shipping House door.
* The door to Gorvas Vule's Tower cellar is no longer inaccessible.
* Added AI-packages to Hill Giant, Frost Giant and Frost Monarch.
* New improved icon for Absinthe.

Dark Brotherhood assassins apparel now differs based on rank (note that there have been some visual changes since I took this picture).

Morrowind Rebirth Changes
* Dreughs have recieved a spell which burdens the player (one cast per creature). Lone creatures won't be particularly harmful, but in groups they will be leathal.
* Most NPCs whom will follow you at any time throughout the game have been given a boost to different stats such as athletics, acrobatics or health.
* Combat delay (the pause between each attack from NPCs/creatures) has been reverted to original values.
* Better spell sorting wherever possible. For example 'Strong Fire Shield' to 'Fire Shield: Strong'.
* Sirollus Saccus no longer provides an unlimited amount of secret masters hammers.
* Fire/Frost/Storm Atronachs will no longer cast shield Fire/Frost/Shock Shield.
* Dremoras (Dremora Lords exluded) no longer cast Fire Shield.
* Dark Brotherhood assassins apparel are now visually different based on rank.
* Golden Saints will now use Silver Weapons instead of Bound weapons.
* Arrille, Seyda Neen, now has a few more basic spells for sale.
* Dren Plantation has recieved a major overhaul to the outlying farmland.
* Andrades's Tradehouse, Balmora, has recieved a minor overhaul.
* Seyda Outpost, Seyda Neen, has recieved a minor overhaul.
* Vivec Entrance has recieved a major overhaul.
* Restocked vendors in Vos with some rather interesting objects.
* Enchantment recharge per second from 0.0250 to 0.0100.
* Health regeneration (base value) has been slowed down.
* Daedras will no longer spawn in the wild.
* Fixed hundreds of floaters.
* Fixed typos.

Samarys Ancestral Tomb has been expanded (where you find the Mentor's Ring).

Morrowind Rebirth Additions
* Bounty Hunters will now approach you in different areas, mainly taverns, if you have a bounty of 500 or more.
* Expanded Samarys Ancestral Tomb, the tomb where you can find the Mentor's Ring.
* Expanded the interior of Fort Ashmoth (added by Rebirth).
* Visual additons/enhancements here and there.
* New creatures:
- Greater Skeleton Warrior (new model)
- Greater Skeleton Archer (new model)
- Crippled Skeleton (new model)
- Skeleton Marksman (crossbow)
- Skeleton (new model)
- Skeleton Lightning Mage
- Skeleton Frost Mage
- Skeleton Fire Mage
- Lightning Guardian
- Frost Guardian
- Fire Guardian
New spells:
- Poisonbloom: Wild
- Firebloom: Wild
- Frostbloom: Wild
- Frostball: Dire
- Fireball: Dire
- Elemental Burst
- Resist Elements
* New clothing:
- Exquisite Gloves

New Skeleton variations


* Dwarven Spectres are now immune to poison and paralyzation.
* Bull/Betty netches now have a 75 % resistance to poison.
* Ancestor Ghosts are now immune to paralyzation.
* Storm Atronach speed from 14 to 18.
* Earth Atronach speed from 9 to 20.
* Frost Monarch speed from 15 to 45.
* Frost Giant speed from 15 to 35.
* Hill Giant speed from 15 to 45.
* Lich health from 280 to 300.

* Changes to potion weight:

- Exclusive potion weight from 0.25 to 0.50
- Quality potion weight from 0.50 to 0.75
- Standard potion weight from 0.75 to 1.0
- Cheap potion weight from 1.0 to 1.25
- Bargain potion weight (1.5)

* Changes to all fortify potions:

- Fortify: Bargain magnitude from 5 to 6
- Fortify: Cheap magnitude (8)
- Fortify: Standard magnitude (10)
- Fortify: Quality magnitude from 15 to 12
- Fortify: Exclusive magnitude from 20 to 14

- Fortify: Bargain cost from 5 to 20
- Fortify: Cheap cost from 15 to 40
- Fortify: Standard cost from 30 to 60
- Fortify: Quality cost from 60 to 80
- Fortify: Exclusive cost from 90 to 100

* Changes to all beverages:

* Cyrodiilic Brandy fortify willpower/endurance magnitude from 20 to 10.
* Sujamma fortify strength/drain intelligence magnitude from 25 to 20.
* Shein fortify endurance/drain personality magnitude from 20 to 15.
* Nord Mead fortify strength/drain agility magnitude from 30 to 25.
* Mazte fortify strength/drain willpower magnitude from 20 to 15.
* Telvanni bug musk fortify personality magnitude from 25 to 15.
* Flin fortify willpower/strength magnitude from 20 to 15

Delve into the depths of Fort Ashmoth.

* Bound weapons/armor no longer provide any additional skill bonuses when 'conjured'.
* Decreased the value of devil, demon and fiend helmets.
* Arrow of Wasting Flame/Shard/Spark/Viper value from 20 to 6.
* Azura's Servant value from 25450 to 14250.
* Telvanni Dust Adept Helm AR from 5 to 8.
* Telvanni Mole Crab Helm AR from 6 to 10.
* Snow Bear Armor AR from 35 to 40.
* Claymores/Dai-Katanas reach from 1.5 to 1.4.

Spells (base cost)
* Fortify Attribute base cost from 0.5 to 0.6.
* Weakness to Fire base cost from 0.25 to 0.2.
* Weakness to Frost base cost from 0.25 to 0.2.
* Weakness to Poison base cost from 0.25 to 0.2.
* Weakness to Shock base cost from 0.25 to 0.2.
* Weakness to Magica base cost from 0.25 to 0.3.
* Detect Enchantment base cost from 0.5 to 0.8.
* Detect Creature base cost from 0.5 to 0.8.
* Detect Key base cost from 0.5 to 0.8.
* Resist Magica base cost from 0.5 to 0.6.
* Resist Shock base cost from 0.4 to 0.3.
* Resist Poison base cost from 0.4 to 0.3.
* Resist Fire base cost from 0.4 to 0.3.
* Resist Frost base cost from 0.4 to 0.3.
* Charm base cost from 3.0 to 2.5.
* Command Humanoid base cost from 4 to 3.5

Dren Plantation has been reworked.

Spells (general)
* Free Action (cure paralyzation on self) changed from self to target.
* God's Fire/Frost/Spark magnitude from 10-50 to 15-30.
* Wild Open magnitude from 50-75 to 75.
* Summon spells duration from 60 to 45 seconds.

Starting Spells (new)
New spells that are weaker variations of existing spells. These spells carry a low magica cost (3-6 points), which enables low level mages a chance to practice their skills without running out of magica all the time.

* Destruction:
- From 'Firebite' (Fire Damage 10-25 points) to 'Elemental Burst: Weak' (Fire/Frost/Shock damage 4-6 points for each element).
- From 'Exhausting Touch' (Drain Fatigue 10-10 for 30 seconds) to 'Exhausting Touch: Weak' (Drain Fatigue 10-10 for 15 seconds).
* Mysticism:
- From 'Detect Animal' (Detect Creature 10-10 points for 30 seconds) to 'Reflect: Weak' (Reflect 10-10 points for 15 seconds).
- From 'Tap Energy' (Absorb Fatigue 12 points) to 'Tap Energy: Weak' (Absorb Fatigue 8 points).
* Restoration:
- From 'Hearth Heal' (Restore Health 15-30 points) to Regenerate: Weak (Restore Health 5 points for 3 seconds).
- From 'Feet of Notogo' (Fortify Attribute: Speed 10 points for 90 seconds) to 'Haste: Weak' (Fortify Attribute: Speed 10 points for 30 seconds).
* Conjuration
- From 'Summon Ancestral Ghost' (Summon Ancestral Ghost for 45 seconds) to Summon Skeleton: Weak (Summon Skeleton for 15 seconds).
- From 'Bound Dagger' (Bound Dagger for 45 seconds) to 'Command Creature: Weak' (Command Creature 5 points for 15 seconds).
* Alteration
- From 'Water Walking (Water Walking for 30 seconds) to 'Water Walking: Weak (Water Walking for 15 seconds).
- From 'Shield' (Shield 15 points for 30 seconds) to 'Shield: Weak (Shield 10 points for 30 second).
* Illusion:
- From 'Charmeleon' (Charmeleon 20 points for 15 seconds) to Charmeleon: Weak (Charmeleon 10 ponts for 15 seconds).
- From 'Sanctuary' (Sanctuary 15 points for 15 seconds) to Sanctuary: Weak (Sanctuary 10 points for 15 seconds).

Ebonheart now has proper defences.

Enchantments (items/scrolls)
* Feather Ring, Feather Belt and Feather Shield enchantments:
- Feather magnitude from 20 to 50.
* Lord's Mail
- Resist Magica magnitude from 5-25 points for 30 seconds to 25-25 for 30 seconds.
- Restore Health magnitude from 20-20 to 25-25.
- Enchantment capacity from 300 to 400.
* Scroll of Ekash's Lock Splitter enchantment
- Open magnitude from 75-100 to 100.
Scroll of Fiercly Roasting enchantment:
- Fire Damage aoe from 100 to 25.
- Fire Damage duration from 5 to 2
- Fire Damage magnitude from 15-75 to 25-50
- Weakness to fire from 15-75 to 50-50.

* The Lady
- Fortify Personality/Endurance 15/15 points to 10/10 points.
- New power: Lady's Charm: Charm 20 points on touch for 30 seconds.
* The Mage
- Fortify Maximum Magicka 1.0x INT to 0.5 x INT.
- New power: Arcane Concentration: Fortify skill - Alteration, conjuration, destruction, illusion, mysticism, restoration 10 points for 60 seconds.
* The Lover
- Fortify Agility 25 points to 20 points.
* The Lord
- Restore Health 5 points for 10 seconds to 8 points for 10 seconds.
- Weakness to Fire 50 % to 25 %.

* Raw Ebony value from 175 to 150.
* Sapphire value from 175 to 150.
* Ruby Value from 150 to 125.
* Topaz Value from 125 to 100.
* Pearl value from 100 to 80.
* Emerald value from 100 to 75.

* Vampire bonus to sneak, athletics, acrobatics, hand-to-hand, unarmored, mysticism, illusion and destruction from 30 to 15.
* Aundae, Berne and Quarra extra skill bonuses magnitude from 20 to 10.
* Vampires now have a constant effect Night Eye of 25 points.
* Removed Nordic Silver Weapons from Solstheim smuggler/berserker leveled-lists.
* Fortify/Drain attribute have been removed from spellmaking/enchanting.
- Clagiu Gratus, Pelagiad Guild of Mages, now sells fortify attribute spells.
- Malven Romori, Vivec Guild of Mages, now sells drain attribute spells.
* Deadra heart drop chance from 50 % none to 75 % none.
* Marshmerrow spawn chance from 10 % none to 25 % none.
* Wickwheat spawn chance from 10 % none to 25 % none.
* Saltrice spawn chance from 10 % none to 25 % none.
* Ash Yam spawn chance from 20 % none to 25 % none.
* Chokeweed spawn chance from 10 % to 20 % none.
* Decreased the value of most common books.
* Scroll of Fiercely Roasting value from 250 to 375
* Scroll of The Black Storm value from 250 to 325

* New textures for the generic pubsigns found on the exterior walls of Imperial Taverns.
* New textures for the gravestones found in Pelagiad.
* New model for generic Bonemold pauldrons.
* Reduced the size of some unecessarily large textures.

Other Changes
* Removed unecessary files from the archive.
* Removed Iron Skullshield from the mod.

Morrowind Rebirth - Racial Diversity

Changes mainly to counter the fact that you can easily cap resistances early on, making you invulnerable to a specific damage-type for the rest of the game.

* Blood of Auri-El
- Resist Common Disease 75 points to 50 points.

* Vigorous
- Resist Common Disease 75 points to 50 points.

* Call To Arms
- Command Humaniod 10 points for 30 seconds changed to Calm Humanoid 30 points for 10 seconds

* Ashborn
- Resist Fire 75 points to 50 points.

* Protective Spirit
- Sanctuary 50 points for 30 seoconds to 25 points for 30 seconds.

* Winters Bone
- Resist Frost 75 points to 50 points.

* War Cry
- Demoralize Humanoid 15 points for 15 seconds to 50 points for 10 seconds.
* Battle Hardened
- Fortify Attack 5 points to Resist Magica 25 points (vanilla).
- Changed name to "Hardened"

* Naturally Resistant
- Resist Common Disease 75 points to 50 points.
* Whirling Charge
- Removed.

All the best,


[RELEASE] Morrowind Rebirth 4.0 news (2024)
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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.